For over a decade, Younes & Mia have been a key partner in fulfilling innovative dreams. From product design to space design and everything in between, the duo’s expertise spans across business strategy design, product production and retail development – making magical experiences possible for professionals around the world.

This decade has seen the creative process employed by our design studio become a powerful agent of transformation, helping us to stand out amid both local and global competition. Innovations have been spurred on as we strive for aesthetic perfection.

However, among all the formalised projects, there are many that would never have seen the light of day without the help of professionals who are passionate about their work.


Expert artisans helping to bring imagination alive —

  • By collaborating with specialists, craftsmen and even artists, our studio helps turn any vision into a tangible reality. Through these meetings of minds comes the transformation of an intention to life – both inside space or through physical objects. Our studio has been fortunate enough to build strong partnerships with the most skilled artisans and technicians throughout Morocco. Each collaboration resulted in inventive, quality work that our team is proud of!

  • In terms of collaboration, each workshop is a real playground in which exchange and creativity are expressed through the manipulation of materials and the experimentation of techniques. Whether it is a single piece or a limited series, the time devoted to the research and production of each prototype reflects a shared passion for materials and innovation, but also, and above all, a commitment to work well done.

  • Indeed, whatever the know-how or technologies called upon, each professional or trade with which the Design studio collaborates is subject to a rigorous selection based on seriousness and professionalism as well as a detailed description of the partner structure.

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